As the aging of society is progressing, self-improvement for mind and body is a natural desire many people have regardless of age. In metropolitan Tokyo, 13 million people use Japan Railways everyday. Many of them have desires for health and growth, on the other hand, their working life makes it difficult to pursue it especially on hectic weekdays. They spend an average of 1 hour and 40 minutes in trains a day. In the era of Mobility as a Service(MaaS), East Japan Railway Company(JR East) aims to add a value to their trains which contributes to people’s health, beyond just transportation.
Personal health, anywhere, anytime
We introduced ‘TRAIN’ing, a smartphone app which turns the value of trains from a place for travel into a place that enables passengers to become healthier and stronger. By utilizing the iBeacon geo-fencing technology, the app connects with a device installed in train carriages and provides passengers each optimal coaching instruction by calculating their real-time information about interest, destination, position in the train, current location of the train, and congestion of the carriage. Each personalized instruction is compiled from hundreds of mindfulness/workout exercises all of which have been developed by professional trainers. Passengers experience immersive voice-guided instructions as if a real trainer is next to them.
JR East makes travel time more meaningful for health.